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04/24/2023. Event
Join this invitation-only gathering of researchers, district, state, and higher education leaders, tutoring providers, and funders to: Learn about implications of recent research findings and innovative and sustainable practices in tutoring; Explore successful state and district strategies for scaling and sustainability; and Make connections with education leaders in the field.

01/24/2022. Event
Research has shown that in-school tutoring is one of the best ways to support student learning. Illinois State Board of Education offers you a webinar where a team from National Student Support Accelerator at Brown University will provide you an evidence-based foundation and examples on how to implement High-impact Tutoring in your school district. Join us for a presentation along with a testimonial, and an opportunity for questions and answers.

01/16/2022. Event
On January 18, 2022, at 12pm ET, join Nate Casey, CRO of enterprise tutoring platform Pearl, and Susanna Loeb, Director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, via Zoom for an information-packed webinar on high-dosage tutoring.

01/03/2022. Event
Tutoring programs have become a leading strategy to address COVID-19 learning loss. What evidence-based principles can district and school leaders draw on to design, implement, measure, and improve high-quality tutoring programs? And what are districts who are piloting these programs learning about how to maintain fidelity to those principles, while also adapting to the specific needs of their contexts?

11/11/2021. Event
Most states as well as the federal government have landed on tutoring as a key strategy to address unfinished learning from the pandemic. Take math, for example. Studies have found that students lost more ground in math during the last school year than any other subject. Students and teachers desperately need support to combat fatigue and accelerate learning. How can schools implement effective math tutoring programs while balancing competing priorities in an ever-changing environment?

10/05/2021. Event
The U.S. Department of Education’s ED COVID-19 Handbook highlights tutoring as a key strategy for supporting student academic needs and for addressing the impact of lost instructional time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds from the American Rescue Plan can be used to implement high-quality tutoring. In this 90-minute REL West webinar, presenters will discuss tutoring as a way to address opportunity gaps exacerbated by the pandemic. They will share about evidence-based tools developed by Brown University’s National Student Support Accelerator that facilitate district planning, launch, and continuous improvement of effective tutoring programs.