Academic Recovery’s a Long-Term Challenge. Tutoring Must Be Part of the Solution

The 74


What is needed to massively grow high dosage tutoring in the years ahead, then?

First, a commitment from federal, state and local leaders to do whatever it takes to get all students, including those with the highest needs, back to pre-pandemic levels. This seems non-controversial, but the country currently lacks true accountability, reporting and hard conversations about where students are vis-a-vis 2019 learning levels. 

Second, a policy framework that supports the growth of genuinely effective high-dosage tutoring. This means direct funding and flexibility to pay for tutoring, which can cost anywhere from under $1,000 to more than $3,000 per student. Policymakers must also require reporting from school districts on tutoring delivery at the student level. The “dosage” piece of high-dosage tutoring is non-negotiable for getting results, so It is unacceptable to pay for services without knowing and reporting which students received exactly how many tutoring sessions. Additionally, policymakers can put guardrails on which types of tutoring and which specific programs are eligible for public funding. Our partners at the National Student Support Accelerator have created excellent guides correlating research-backed principles with student success. And individual programs continue to produce research showing their own efficacy.


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