Learning Integration

Critical Questions

  • How will the program engage stakeholders to ensure tutoring aligns with classroom curricula?
  • How will tutors leverage stakeholders to build their understanding of student needs to tailor tutoring? 
  • How will tutors build trust with stakeholders? 

Sub Elements

(Click on the links below or visit the pages on the lefthand navigation for more information.)

Stakeholder Engagement

Model Dimensions Review

See Program Design for the full Model Dimensions table or click below to see considerations specific to Learning Integration


Before implementing best practices to ensure strong Learning Integration, you need to have clarity on Setting, or where tutoring is taking place.

In-School: Tutoring happens during separate class time (without actually replacing class). Because attendance is less of an issue, in-school programs tend to have greater impact.

Out-of-School: Tutoring happens after school, on weekends, or during school breaks. While still delivering a positive effect, out-of school tutoring tends to have a small effect size. 

Guidance when considering Setting

Factor in Setting when making other decisions about Model Dimensions within your program design.

Dosage/Duration: The setting of the program will impact the dosage and duration of tutoring and should be taken into account when planning. Programs in-school may find it easier to offer a higher dosage as tutoring can be embedded directly within the school day. 

Grade Level: If the setting is out-of-school, the program should be mindful of the additional time commitments and obligations that older students may have outside the official school day. While both types of settings can be employed at any grade level, out-of-school programs may be more challenging for older students to attend.

Learning Integration: If the setting is in-school, the program may find it easier to align its content with the school curriculum and ensure integration with school and teachers. If the setting is out-of-school, the program may need to consider creative ways (online communication tools, etc.) to maintain alignment.


How will the program be taken up by students?

Required: Students can be required by their school to receive tutoring. In this case, students tend to have tutoring sessions embedded in their school day schedule.

Voluntary: Students or parents choose to enroll or opt-out of enrolling their students. In this case, students typically receive tutoring during lunch periods or after the official school day is over. 

Guidance when considering Take-Up

Dosage: If the take-up is required, the program may find it easier to maintain a higher dosage. If the take-up is voluntary and the dosage is rigorous, the program will need to determine strategies to ensure students and families can meet those expectations.

Learning Integration: Whether the take-up is required or voluntary, the program will need to consider family engagement and communication to reduce stigma and provide ongoing updates about progress.